

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My experience about the second Digital Axis meet conducted by Axis Bank in association with

This post is about 'Digital Axis' meet conducted by Axis Bank in association with  

Well, this time also it was Saturday, 16th of May 2015, on which the 'Axis Digital' - second meet was being organized by Blogadda. At this time, the occasion was to promote the Ping Pay app which is a second phase of the Axis Bank Mobile App. When we the bloggers were being called for the first meet, we were delighted with the first launch of the Axis Bank mobile app. Even in its first launch, we were amazed on how we could just add the beneficiary account by using merely 3 credentials like bank account number, mobile number and photograph of the person.
On this Saturday 'Axis Digital' meet we were amazed with the social inclusion feature in the Ping Pay app that was being launched by Axis Bank on 8th May 2015. At first we were being called upon to attend the meet on the 9th of May 2015, but eventually it got postponed to 16th May 2015. Therefore, in less than 3 months, Axis Bank has launched the second version of mobile banking app termed as Ping Pay app. For this event also I was not able to reach on time, but I managed to be at the venue at 10.30 am and that was the time when we all were taken to the conference room. 

As soon as I, entered in the conference room along with a few people and within 5 minutes the event started. This time also, Mr. Pramod was only going to give us the detailed information regarding the Ping Pay app. In that conference room there were screens on the table which showed us the WiFi user name and password of the Axis Bank so that we could make use of it to tweet during the event using #PingPayKaro handle. In this way the Axis Digital event began and this Ping Pay app is being developed by keeping the 20/20 Vision and provide the user friendly access to the customer. 

The interesting features in this Ping Pay app are like we could connect with and transfer money to anyone using the contacts list that is present in our mobile handset and that too with the help of social apps like WeChat, Facebook, Google Plus and many more. Also, as of now the Axis Bank customers can send and receive money, whereas the people who don't have an Axis Bank account can only ask money using this app. So this is the best feature that even the non Axis bank customers can also download the app and get money deposited in their account in a fraction of a second. The recharge mobile facility is available only for the Axis Bank customers and as of now this facility is not available to the non Axis Bank customers.  

My suggestions for this Ping Pay Axis Bank - mobile banking application are as follows:
1. Send and receive money facility should be available to Non Axis Bank customers.
2. If send and receive money facility is made available then it should not cost any charges to either Axis Bank or Non-Axis Bank customers.
3. Recharge mobile Facility should be available to Non-Axis Bank customers.
4. The utility Bill payment service should also be available to Non-Axis and Axis Bank customers.
5. The switching between the text and internet version should be available within this Ping Pay App. (It is costlier, but this functionality must be available in case of emergency.)
6. Trading feature must be added in such a way that user can keep track of at least 5 scripts within the app. So that the user can keep track of the changes in any of the 5 select company share prices.

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